Alejo G.
Buenos AiresArgentina
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Python and C++ programmer in AI, image and video processing.

I am a Python and C++ programmer with large experience in image and video processing. I have been working for a long time with the OpenCV, GStreamer and NVIDIA Deepstream libraries and using GPU hardware with CUDA and other HPC libraries. My work experience includes professional video players & editors, transcoders, object detection and tracking, Deep Learning systems (YOLO, Pytorch, Tensorflow, TensorRT), AI hardware like NVIDIA Jetson TX2, Jetson Xavier NX, Jetson NANO and Raspberry Pi devices. In ML and LLM models I'm working with LORA fine tuning and Stable diffusion AI generative. I like to choose projects that interest me and that match my skills and give me a challenge or bring something new.

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  • Python
  • OpenCV
  • STM32
  • Microsoft Visual C++
  • Video Stream
  • Raspberry Pi
  • Linux