Sanjayan S.
WellawattaSri Lanka
67% Job Success

Senior Quantity Surveyor\Estimator\Finishes Expert

Thank you for viewing my profile and for your consideration. I Hope my Profile will give a brief idea about my career and personality. My objective is to complete assigned task in most efficient manner. I am here to provide my quantity surveying skills and graphic designing/Photoshop skills and also build trust with the clients. Quality work always comes before anything else. I have more than 9 years of experience as Quantity Surveyor and Self-Taught Graphic Designer. What makes you Hire me : 1. Mostly the takeoff's will be done by Planswift with PDF markups, Exported into Excel Spreadsheets or any other format as per client requirement. 2. More than 2000+ estimates done for US, UK, Australia & New Zealand Clients past 4 years. 3. 90% Long term relationship with Clients. 4. Quick turnaround time according to the project size. Hope my profile will give you a best idea to build trust. My objective is to fulfill client's desire and make them fully satisfactory. Happy Hiring! Thank you. Have a nice day.

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  • PDF
  • PlanSwift
  • Quantity Surveying
  • On-Screen Takeoff
  • Construction
  • Bill of Quantity