Rene M.
100% Job Success
Top Rated Plus

All-rounder Technical Project Manager & Product Owner

You're busy, you're experiencing operational/technical/strategic challenges for your project/business to succeed. I'll take that off your back and get things done so you focus on growing your business and have a life! I'm a Technical Project Manager with Software Engineering and System Administration proficiency. I'm looking for interesting and rewarding jobs that allow me to improve my skills, learn as much as possible and earn good money managing things for my clients the "ELF" way (Easy Lucrative and Fun!). These are the skill sets and/or roles I'm specialized (but not exclusively) on adding value with: ---------------Project Manager/Team Management/Business Analyst--------------- Process definition, deep analysis, project scope, project timeline, multiple teams coordination with members on many time zones, research ninja, recruiting, system requirements specification, analysis models, system diagrams, business strategy, product management, negotiation, documentation, software planning, software development life cycle, process overview, supervision, deadlines meeting, team leadership, strong communication skills, motivational skills, team support. Using: JIRA, monday, targtet process, asana, trello, basecamp, podio, github, gitlab, bitbucket, miro, figma, adobe XD, Notion, TimeDoctor, Toggl, MS Project, UML ----------System Admin/Network Admin/Technical Support----------- Linux/Windows Server/Desktop for 5 years on productive environments, Migration consultant, technical support, business continuity, disaster prevention, network planning, IT solutions, Security enthusiast & CCNA alumni Using: WHM, WHMCS, Linux, SSH, Droplets, Hosting, DNS, Cloudflare, Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, FTP, Cisco Packet tracer, OWASP Zap, NS1, Wireshark, VMWare, Netlify, WPEngine, MySQL, NameCheap, Cisco iOS ----------------------------------Web Technologies Consultant & Internet Marketing--------------------------- Software as a service (SaaS), Website as a service (WaaS), hosting administration, Web portals, Information Systems, CMS administration, applications for businesses, Social Media, Basic SEO, sub-domains, Graphic Edits/Small Designs, website customization, content analysis, translations, transcriptions, data entry. Using: WordPress, Hugo, Shopify, Yii, Google APIs, Google Ads, Google search Console, Mailchimp, Active campaign, Facebook Ads, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, Woorank, Semrush, ahrefs, Lighthouse, Elementor, Yoast, Stripe, Paypal, OrderDesk, Printful, Postman Languages: - English (my proficiency covers formal documentation writings, phone sales and live negotiations) - Spanish (native and with awesome education) Weekly Availability: -Strict Schedule: around 30 hours. -Flexible Schedule: up to 40 hours. (Availability may increase in response to the attractiveness of your project) Thanks a lot for reading until the end. Have fun! :)

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  • Technical Support
  • Technical Documentation
  • Content Management
  • Information Technology Operations
  • Project Management
  • Technical Project Management
  • Linux System Administration
  • Network Administration
  • Price & Quote Negotiation
  • Cross Functional Team Leadership