Asela H.

Expert data entry and analysis in After sales service

After sales service management experience for 15years (Automobile and consumer electronics) Post graduate qulifications in Industrial engineering management, Graduate in Automobile engineering Advanced diploma in Project management 12years in Automobile field, (services and engineering) 3years in Consumer electronics after sales service. Part time lecture for Project Management (Colombo University) Part time lecture for Automobile engineering City & Guilds (Skills Institute Colombo) Prefessional trainer for entry level upto Middle level Managers (Customer care, team management, time management, stress management, quality management, and out-bound training. Strength: hard working, team management, accept challenges, stress management, change management Skills: High computer literacy, presentation skills, people training skills, team management skills (I have migrated to France and looking for a on line jobs where I can use my expertise and skills around the day to full fill any firms or companies requirements on reasonable rate.)

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  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft Office
  • Microsoft Visio
  • Microsoft PowerPoint