Md Misbauddin C.

Web Developer - NodeJS | ReactJS | AWS | Docker | Nginx | NestJS

I'm enthusiastic full time software engineer with B.Sc in Computer Science and Engineering degree. I specialised in front-end and back-end and Object-Oriented Programming equally. I have worked with different types of software with different companies. Check out my focusing item bellow- Main Focusing Item - GitHub Workflows, CI/CD - AWS EC2, Elastic IP, S3, Cloudfront, SNS - Agile Scrum with Jira, Confluence - React.js - Node.js - Vue.js - AWS - Docker - GraphQL Which Languages I use for developing (Front End) - HTML, CSS, JavaScript (For making template) - JavaScript Framework & Libraries (React JS, AJAX, JQuery) - Bootstrap - HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework Which Languages I use for developing (Back End) - JavaScript Framework and Libraries (NodeJS, Express JS, Koa JS) - PHP For State Management - MobX, Redux, Redux-Saga, Thunk, React Context API API Development- I used JavaScript Framework (Express, Koa) for API Development and GraphQL. Qualities- Critical thinker, Problem solver, Neat and Clean Coder, Open minded and ability to connect with the customers, excellent communication skill. Other Skills - I am not only web developer but also an expert Graphics Designer. I know Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator as well. It is also a plus point to converting any UI into Application -------- Take a look at my Portfolio ---------

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  • React Native
  • PostgreSQL
  • JavaScript
  • Vue.js
  • Web Application
  • NestJS
  • Next.js

Get started working with Md Misbauddin quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Md Misbauddin quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get outstanding nodejs, react, redux, vuejs, graphql web application

From $250
10 days delivery


Endorsements from past clients

"Shahan worked on one of my quite complex projects, lasting ~4 months, and it was hard work, very well completed, with all the requirements, and a lot of enthusiasm, always offering solutions for all kinds of problems, her skills are incredible, and master many technologies. I definitely recommend it with your eyes closed. This dev will search for the best paths for your project, will analyze your project and understand it, In addition to clean and structured code. "

Kas P.
May 2020


"It was really great to work with Misbauddin. He worked for me in several software. Like all developers, he wrote program for me. During the course of his development, Misbauddin shows himself as a dependable developer and hard worker with great problem solving and technical skills. I was always impressed by his work because of his well organizing of his work. Overall, Misbauddin is really talented, hard worker."

Shuvojit K.
Software Development Apr 2020
