Abhishek S.
97% Job Success
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Chartered Accountant-Accounting, Financials & Tax (QBO ProAdvisor)

As an associate member of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, I can help you with preparing financial statements, annual reports, projected financial statements etc for your company. I am Certified Quickbooks Online ProAdvisor. I have been providing various financial services since last 7 years, which includes but not limited to: 1. Bookkeeping and preparation of financial statements for companies in Singapore, USA and Canada. 2. Preparation and filing of GST and VAT returns with HMRC. 3.Preparation and filing of companies financial statements with the Companies House. 4. Preparing and filing Corporate Tax Returns for companies and individuals in Canada, Singapore and USA 5. Preparation of Reconciliation Statements for Banks,Credit Cards, Sales, Purchases, Debtors, Creditors etc. I have been using following accounting and taxation softwares to provide services: 1. Quickbooks Desktop 2. Quickbooks Online 3. ZOHO 4. Xero 5. Bookkeeper.in 6. Busy 7. Tally My aim is to provide an online platform to support small and medium businesses in their day to day compliance and to save their time that they can invest in their business.

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  • Tax Preparation
  • Finance & Accounting
  • Xero
  • Pitchbook
  • Annual Report
  • XBRL

Get started working with Abhishek quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Abhishek quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get accounting and financial statements prepared

From $50
7 days delivery

You will get the corporation tax and annual return filed for UK Company

From $50
7 days delivery

You will get the annual return filed for Singaporean Company

From $130
7 days delivery

You will get corporate tax return filed for Canada

From $50
5 days delivery