Dmitry G.
100% Job Success
Top Rated Plus

Senior Web & Mobile QA engineer

I am a Senior QA engineer. My experience encompasses 8 years in Quality Assurance & Testing for Web and Mobile applications. On most of the projects I was responsible for the quality of the products and performed full-cycle testing included but not limited to manual, performance, automated, UI/UX testing, test documentation development, etc. I have experience in building of a complete test ecosystem which includes design and setup of the test suite, tests development, helped to setup of Continuous Integration, configuration of reporting system, etc. I am attentive to the details, and I can describe myself as a team player. When I face with the issue I am trying to isolate it and not just to report. I am investigating deeply, checking the issue on various browsers, platforms, resolutions, form factors, trying to provide as much details as possible regarding the nature of the problem. I have passion for challenges and will be a valuable part of your team.

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  • Selenium WebDriver
  • Watir
  • JavaScript
  • Software QA