Zach B.
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Magento / Magento 2 Developer. Certified M2 Solution Specialist.

Seattle-based developer currently / most recently versed in Magento and Magento 2(and all that comes with them - PHP, MySQL, HTML/5, CSS/3, JavaScript, JQuery, Prototype, Less, Require.js, Knockout). I also have professional experience in a LAMP environment and with Java. I have been working almost solely with Magento and Magento 2 for over eight years. I told a girl from Nanking she wasn't going to sit inside for four days until her friends showed up. Tuileries. She would just take pictures of the sky, as she could never see it. Does me being the best on the planet at this factor in, or are you you? -- If I'm not up and ready by six they won't know what to say when they sit and say what I do. That's the most important thing, somehow. Sitting. Saying what I do. That is what is important. Entirely astounding, no? -- Let's see, we've got flying to Orange County to sue Tony at Bookpal because someone made him pay twice for two themes, and I needed a bit of time because my father croaked. Oh, he's shelling out cash for a lawyer and countersuing instead of keeping his word. The arbitrator walked up to me, shook my hand, and thanked me before the judge, as that never happens. McCarthy. "Words". That is how I did that. Words. Have I contacted you or one of your Officers? No Tony, I haven't. Your demand to curtail free speech in a court of law, well. Smooth. You must be from the Office of Antifascism, or something. Oh, Stephen in Tahoe over here decides to exploit credit card law. Two counts of Friendly Fraud. Wow, Stephen in Tahoe, your other site is hacked by RU, they lose a dark web, and you lose your money. Oh, and all of you. Wakanda Forever.

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  • MySQL Programming
  • Magento 2
  • Knockout.js
  • Custom PHP
  • jQuery

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