Jess  Z.
65% Job Success

Business Development (FRM Certification) and Business Strategy

As a business consultant with over four years of experience, I have a proven track record of delivering successful projects, including foreign trade, business management, and business strategy. I have a 100% successful rate both on Upwork and outside, and my previous clients have provided positive feedback. My educational background includes undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Colorado and the University of Melbourne, respectively. These degrees have equipped me with the skills necessary to solve problems effectively under complicated global situations and approach business, banking, and economic issues from different perspectives. I have worked with some important clients, such as Huawei, RAIN Group, and Global Data, and gained more knowledge of global markets in various regions. I am an international person who can speak three languages fluently - English, Chinese, and Spanish - and have attended the Global Leadership Awards at King's College London. In addition, I have participated in an economic research group in Costa Rica, where we analyzed the Fair-Trade movement and its impact on the socio-economic status of communities, national policies, and future prospects for coffee farmers and consumers in Costa Rica and Guatemala. Working in different international business environments has given me the ability to switch over three languages easily and appreciate the influences of economics and the relationships between nations. I am a hard-working, adaptable, resilient, and positive person who would make an excellent member of any team. Having traveled to thirty countries, I have experienced different cultures and learned things that cannot be taught in schools. I am confident that I could continue working in the fields of international development, international finance, and get to understand the business industry better. Overall, I bring a wealth of experience and expertise to any organization, and I am excited to contribute to the success of my future clients.

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  • Branding & Marketing
  • Business Strategy
  • Market Analysis
  • Personal Branding
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Competitor Research