Alicia M.

Communications Specialist & Professional Translator

I am a native Spanish communications specialist and a professional translator (English to Spanish). Regarding my professional experience, I have an extensive background in assisting different companies (mostly in the travel sector) effectively communicate with their audience and in assisting these companies to expand into the Spanish market. Moreover, I have substantial experience in translation and extraordinary skills adapting content to the Spanish language and culture in order to make it fully comprehensible and attractive for different target audiences. Furthermore, I am highly creative with excellent skills in creating content strategies and producing engaging digital content both in English and Spanish. I also have natural social and PR skills with exceptional abilities in managing communities, supporting clients, connecting and working with the media. Additionally, I have a background in doing market research, the organising of events and managing teams. To conclude, I have a degree in Speech Therapy and I am a TEFL-certified teacher. In the past, I taught English and Spanish to individuals of different levels of preparation in Europe, also in Asia assisting young Thai students to learn English.

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  • Travel & Hospitality
  • Review Website
  • Press Release Writing
  • Influencer Research
  • Press Distribution
  • Castilian Spanish
  • Hospitality & Tourism