Jon Antonni E.
Talisay City, CebuPhilippines
89% Job Success

Virtual Assistant | SalesForce Expert | SEO Specialist

I perform a variety of Internet research functions and uses word processing, spreadsheet and presentation software. My duties also include filing and data entry. I also perform administrative and office support activities for multiple supervisors. I have extensive software skills (particularly, internet research abilities and strong communication skills. I send emails and use the web for research and employer-specific applications. I can assist with typing and formatting your presentations, reports, manuals, newsletters, website content and other administrative publications. I use friendly communication to interact with a wide range of people, frequently exchanging information. As a multi-tasker, I keep myself organized so I can give my attention to keeping things organized.

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  • Social Media Management
  • Marketing Communications
  • Customer Service
  • Report Writing
  • Market Research