Iyas A.
GazaPalestinian Territories
100% Job Success

Software Engingeer - Java/Kotlin

I am an expert Java developer with 9 years of experience in building high-quality applications and working with cloud platforms on both development and operations. I see myself as a consultant rather than a task manager, doing various things like: - Choosing the right technologies. - Setting up environments, and CI/CD pipelines. - Writing clean code, tests, and build scripts. - Engage with other project stakeholders. Technologies including: ● Java, Spring Boot, Hibernate, Microservices ● Docker, Kubernetes, Helm Charts ● Google Cloud, AWS ● CI/CD, Flux CD, GitHub Actions ● Apache Kafka, Flink ● REST/JSON Web Services ● SQL, Redis, InfluxDB ● Maven, Gradle ● Junit, Mockito, TDD

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  • Java Persistence API
  • Microservice
  • Spring Boot
  • Redis
  • PostgreSQL