Narek P.
100% Job Success

Full Stack Software Engineer (Laravel / WordPress / BigCommerce)

I project and create high-speed, lightweight and secure web apps. My top priority is getting the project finished on time with quality, well structured and easily maintainable code. For over 6 years I have worked with many projects of varying complexity, and I always try to find the best solution for a specific task. My areas of expertise are: ✔ Programming: PHP / JavaScript / HTML5 / CSS3 ✔ Frameworks: Laravel / Slim / Bootstrap / jQuery / VueJS / Node JS / Fabric.JS ✔ Databases: MySQL / MongoDB / PostgreSQL ✔ Subversions: Git / GitHub / Bitbucket ✔ Package managers: Composer, NPM, Yarn ✔ APIs integration: Google / Facebook / LinkedIn / VK / Yandex etc. I'm a fast learner, always doing tasks on time and with high quality and trying to bring all my work to perfection. If it is what you are looking for, please feel free to contact me!

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  • TypeScript
  • WordPress
  • WooCommerce
  • Laravel
  • Adobe XD
  • Figma