Muhammad A.
100% Job Success

2D Animation | Motion Graphics | Illustration | Explainer Videos| Logo

What sets me apart from other sellers is my commitment to delivering a free mockup or sample. If you find it satisfactory, I encourage you to hire me as I genuinely value my clients' time and money. This is what I do! If you looking for professional animation whether it's 2D or 3D within your desired budget, then I'm here to help you out, I can make you a video according to the needs and goals of the targeted audience and I have more than 8 years of experience in animated explainer videos, visual direction, Illustration, and video production. I offer unlimited revisions within the scope of your project at every stage. I’ll continue to make changes until you’re happy. This means you can always rely on a video you love! ► Explainer Videos Styles ✔ 2d Character animation ✔ Whiteboard animation ✔ Gif and Logo animation ✔ Motion Graphics ✔3d animation ✔ App Demo Video ✔ Promo Slideshow ✔ VFX for TVC ✔ Illustration ✔ Storyboarding

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  • Logo Animation
  • Live Action Explainer
  • Animated Cartoon
  • Animated Explainer
  • VectorWorks
  • Explainer Video
  • Animated GIF

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Get started working with Muhammad quickly with these predefined projects.

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From $250
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