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  • Marketo + Salesforce Expert

    $60/hr Starting at $180 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Email nurturing, engagement programs, sales notifications and tasking, webinar programs, event check-in systems, custom object development, Salesforce CRM integration, lead assignment, dashboard design...

  • Marketo Program Design

    $5/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Lead scoring, email nurturing or engagement streams, revenue cycle model, custom reporting, data hygiene programs, custom object development, guided landing pages, responsive email templates, webinar...


Making magic happen with Marketo

Hi there! I'm new to the world of freelancing, but nowhere near new to the world of marketing, database architecture and automation. Marketo and Salesforce are my platforms of choice right now, but I've always been a Marketer with a CRM and reporting addiction.

Work Terms

Communication is key! Must be available for phone conversations outside of 9-6 Mon-Fri.