Pierre-Alexandre H.

Corporate finance and Financial Analyst / excel modeling expert

Extensive experience in financial modelling, Business Plan modelling, Financial Due Diligence, Corporate finance and private equity investments. Originally from France I hold a MBA from top tier Business School ESSEC (Paris / Cergy), formerly an investment associate in small caps private equity, I have over 4 years of experience in M&A financial due diligence at PwC and have built business plans and advised several entrepreneurs in Europe and Australia. I have also worked for 9 months on a side project to build a start-up in the wellbeing industry and I have recently worked as an investment associate in a newly created For Purpose social investment vehicle supporting OZHarvest, Australia's leading food rescue charity. I have completed a full time Data Scientist training where I learnt how to leverage my business analysis skills using Machine learning and deep learning techniques using Python and SQL. This allows me to go deeper in my understanding of businesses and dig up valuable insights from big datasets.

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  • Financial Modeling
  • Corporate Finance
  • Microsoft Excel