Balwant K.
100% Job Success
Top Rated

Sr. Developer | Full Stack | NodeJS | VueJS | ASP.NET

Greetings! I hope your day is off to a great start! I bring to the table a decade of experience as a highly skilled web developer, and I'm eager to collaborate with you on your next project. My expertise spans a wide range of technologies, including ASP.NET C#, .NET Core, VueJS, NodeJS, and the Quasar Framework, among others. Let's break down my skills and expertise: VueJS: My knowledge of VueJS runs deep. I've successfully developed and deployed VueJS applications, leveraging its component-based architecture and powerful reactive data binding. NodeJS: I'm well-versed in building scalable and efficient server-side applications using NodeJS. I've worked with frameworks like Express.js and harnessed the potential of NPM packages to enhance functionality. Quasar Framework: My expertise extends to the Quasar Framework, a VueJS-based platform for creating cross-platform applications. I've crafted responsive and high-performance applications with Quasar, harnessing its extensive UI components and build tools. ASP.NET C# and .NET Core: These are my forte when it comes to building robust, scalable web applications. I've developed sophisticated solutions using ASP.NET C# and .NET Core, catering to a wide range of business needs. Front-end Development: Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is second nature to me. My keen eye for design and strong grasp of UI/UX principles enable me to create visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces. Content Management Systems: I've worked extensively with Wordpress and Shopify, two prominent content management systems. I've developed custom themes, integrated plugins, and optimized websites for peak performance and SEO. Backend Development: My proficiency extends to PHP, MySQL, and ASP.NET, and I've used these technologies to build robust and scalable backend systems. I excel in database design and optimization, as well as implementing RESTful APIs. Database Skills: My database expertise covers a broad spectrum: MS SQL SERVER: I have a deep understanding of MS SQL SERVER and have successfully designed, optimized, and maintained databases on this platform. MySQL: I'm proficient in MySQL, utilizing it for various web applications and ensuring efficient database design and management. MongoDB: I've leveraged the flexibility of MongoDB for projects requiring NoSQL database solutions, ensuring data integrity and scalability. I take immense pride in delivering top-tier work, consistently meeting deadlines, and ensuring exceptional client satisfaction. As a self-motivated and detail-oriented professional, I excel both as an independent contributor and as a collaborative team member. If you're on the hunt for a skilled web developer with expertise in ASP.NET C#, .NET Core, VueJS, NodeJS, and the Quasar Framework, along with proficiency in a broad spectrum of other technologies, I'm confident that I'm the ideal fit for your project. My commitment to delivering exceptional results and maintaining open lines of communication sets me apart. Thank you for considering my profile. I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to work with you on Upwork, turning your vision into reality. Let's embark on this exciting journey together!

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  • WordPress
  • Web Application
  • RESTful Architecture
  • Vue.js
  • API
  • Shopify
  • WooCommerce

Get started working with Balwant quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Balwant quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get wordpress installation and theme setup

From $149
3 days delivery

You will get a shopify theme customization

From $150
3 days delivery

You will get wordpress speed optimization 🚀

From $50
1 day delivery