Varun S.
100% Job Success

WordPress and Digital Marketing Expert With 12+ Years of Experience

*********** Summary *********** A post-graduate in Computer Science with expertise in website development using WordPress. Highly skilled in Oxygen Builder and Elementor. Extensive experience in solving business problems through custom code. ****** Skills ****** - WordPress - PHP - HTML - CSS - On-Page SEO - Google Ads - Facebook Ads - Google Analytics - Google Tag Manager ******************************* Favorite WordPress Plugins ******************************* - Oxygen - Elementor - Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) - Advanced Scripts - Duplicator Pro - Max Mega Menu - WP Grid Builder - WP All Import - Smart Slider 3 - WP Rocket - Fluent Forms - FluentCRM - Ninja Tables - Hydrogen Pack - WP Social Ninja - iThemes Security Pro - Yoast SEO - WP Migrate DB - Restrict Content Pro - AffiliateWP - Easy Digital Downloads ******************* Favorite Themes ******************* - Astra - Divi Using the above-mentioned tools and highest quality standards, I strive to deliver flexible, robust, and secure websites. I have happy clients across the globe! With a Masters degree in Computer Science from Panjab University, one of the premier educational institutions in India, I am fluent in English with excellent written and verbal skills. I am also lucky enough to have a very flexible schedule so I can get projects turned around very quickly without sacrificing quality. I pride myself on doing what I say when I say I'll do it and I am never late on a project. Never. I look forward to working with you.

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  • Search Engine Marketing
  • SEO Audit
  • Responsive Design
  • WooCommerce
  • WordPress
  • Website

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